Lesson 3

Let’s Send an Invite

Discover how to invite your customers to the platform. Learn the easy 3-step invitation process that will move your customer one step closer to closing the deal!


Sending a Personalized Invitation


Here are the questions you'll have answered...

  • How do I send a platform invite to a customer?
  • What information is required to send a proper invitation?
  • What's the best way to send an email that sticks?

Here's what you'll learn how to do...

  • Set the invite up for successful activation.
  • Send a personalized note that lands. 
  • Understand the platform limits (hours permitted between invites, number of invites that can be sent, etc.).  

In-app training video: Sending an invite



0:00 Sending an invite
2:50 How to resent an invite
3:49 Invite limits
4:22 Accepted invite
6:18 What an invite looks like
7:01 Registering and setting up your account
11:02 Closing remarks

Next - Lesson 4: Target Accounts – Who do I go after and how do I approach them?

Learn how to target the right accounts. Find out who to go after and how to approach them. Our Target Customer Profile Worksheet will make this easier than ever to see which accounts are most worth your while.

