Lesson 7

Scheduling Demos with your CSA

It's time to find out how helpful your CSA can be! Find out how to set the customer up, get the demo on the books, and then watch your CSA take the customer over the finish line.  


Leveraging Your CSA


Here are the questions you'll have answered...

  • How do I get to know my CSA?
  • How does my CSA help drive customers to the platform?

Here's what you'll learn how to do...

  • Look back from the previous lesson in how to leverage your CSA.
  • Schedule time with your CSA using intercom/live chat, within the Get Help Menu, and the Resource Center.
  • Create a winning combination by utilizing your knowledge of the customer and the skill set of your CSA. 

Lesson 7 In-App Training Video: Leveraging Your CSA



0:00 Resource center
3:45 Scheduling a demo with your CSA
4:41 Closing remarks

Next - Lesson 8: Selling Against the Competition

You'll get to know who your competition really is and use that knowledge to truly sell your customer on the platform. With knowledge of the competition, you'll become an expert in guiding the conversation.  

