Lesson 9

Leveraging the Data to Drive Engagement

The platform is positioned to help you drive your customers with active reporting and analytics! Discover how to use the data to effectively sell your customers on the platform and drive long term success within each account. 


Driving Engagement with Data


Here are the questions you'll have answered...

  • How do I properly access and engage with the data?
  • What are the key indicators in the data to look at?
  • Can I do anything more with the data? 

Here's what you'll learn how to do...

  • Play the long game of data utilization that will eventually lead to full platform adoption. 
  • Use the data to effectively get into the fight. 
  • Explore the numbers, gain insight, and approach the customer with data support. 
  • Verify and validate what your customers are telling you. 

Lesson 9 In-App Training Video: Driving Engagement with Data



0:00 Reviewing your customers
1:50 Exporting data to Excel
5:23 Understanding the data to drive engagement

Next - Lesson 10: Leveraging the Data to Drive Engagement

Now that you're armed with valuable tools and knowledge, you're ready to move forward with confidence! Discover what to re-examine on your road to continued success. 

